Letter from Superintendent Hime

Dear LPS family:


Unfortunately, COVID cases in our state are on the rise. There is nothing more important to our district than the safety and health of our students, our staff and their families. We are working directly with county health officials to address this matter, and we want to provide you with as much information as possible to help you make well informed news decisions for your family.


If your child is considered a close contact of a positive individual, Comanche County Health Department's guidance is that your child quarantine as a precaution and to help protect the safety of others. You are expected to comply by keeping your child from all public and social settings, including school and daycare.


Exceptions to this requirement include:


(1) Individuals who are fully vaccinated from COVID-19, having completed their series of shots at least 14 days before their first exposure.


(2) Individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 90 days and recovered.


(3) If masks were worn by the positive case and the contact, the contact can attend class (continue wearing a mask) but should quarantine from any other activities such as athletics.




Below, you will find quarantine timelines approved by the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Please use the quarantine timeline that is best and most fitting for your family.


Quarantine for 10 days and then return to school on day 11, but only if you continue to monitor your child for symptoms. Student will need to wear a mask.


Quarantine for 7 days and take a COVID test on or after day 5. If the test is negative, your child may return to school on day 8 but only if you continue to monitor your child for symptoms. Student will need to wear a mask. Bring "negative test" documentation to school.


14 day quarantine from date of exposure.


If you have any questions about this quarantine process, please contact your medical professional or the Comanche County Health Department at (580) 248-5890.


Remain in contact with your student's teachers about assignments and available academic support while your child is complying with this quarantine and learning at home. We appreciate your cooperation.


Our greatest priority is the safety of our students, staff and community members. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve you and your family, especially as we face this challenging situation together.


For additional resources and district information, you can visit our COVID summary web page.





Kevin Hime
LPS Superintendent