Happy Friday LawtonPS Family: We are less than three weeks away from the start of the new school year. For the latest LPS info be sure to check out our Friday FYI's which include the latest edition of our Time with Hime podcast. Have a great weekend! https://www.lawtonps.org/article/497104
over 3 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
Friday FYI
LawtonPS Families: It's almost Check-In time! It will be in-person this year. We are excited to see our students again. Please click the link below for more details and required district forms that will help speed up the process that day. Thank you. https://www.lawtonps.org/page/check-in
over 3 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
Check In
LPS JOM Families: Please stop by the Shoemaker building at 753 NW Ft. Sill Blvd. on July 28th, 2021 5:00PM to 8:00PM or August 7th. 2021 9:00AM to 12:00PM and pick up your students school supplies for this upcoming school year.
over 3 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
LawtonPS Family: As we head into the weekend, be sure to check out our Friday FYI's which include the latest edition of our Time with Hime podcast. Have a great weekend! https://www.lawtonps.org/article/494198
over 3 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
Friday FYI
#LawtonPS Middle School Families: Here is the school supply list for the upcoming school year. We are looking forward to welcoming back our new and returning students! Less than a month to go. #WeAreLPS
over 3 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
MS School Supply List
Congratulations to Lawton High School's Dan Downey who placed 1st in the SW Jr PGA tournament today at Lake Murray. He heads to Pinehurst, NC next week to play for the World Teen Championship along with Zachary Siaca. #WeAreLPS #LawtonPS #LPSNextLevel #OklaEd
over 3 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
Dan Downey
Dan Downey
LPS staff- we received inquiries regarding GCN training. Please do not start on any courses until official notification has gone out. The courses are scheduled to be set by July 26. Thank you.
over 3 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
LPS Families, Please mark you calendars for the following dates. We will provide more information on required forms as we closer to the check-in days! We can't wait to see you there!
over 3 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
Check In Dates
As we officially wind down our 2020-2021 school year, we want to give a big shout-out to our students, staff and families for an incredible school year. This year had its challenges, but you rose to face the challenges head-on. It did not stop us from accomplishing so many amazing things. For that, we say "THANK YOU!" #LawtonPS family. 2021-2022 here WE come! #WeAreLPS #PPF https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6g1JIQ_-ufc
over 3 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
Thank You #LPS Family
Congratulations and good luck to Lawton High School Wolverines Dan Downey and Zachary Siaca! Both received an invitation to play at the World Teen Championship 2021 in Pinehurst, North Carolina this July. We will have two awesome #LawtonPS golfers representing our district and community. Zachary Siaca also placed 5th with a three-day total of 227 at the Texas and Oklahoma Golf tournament in Wichita Falls. It was a three-day tournament this week with 89 players in the 16-18 division. This qualifies him to play in Dallas, Texas. JOB WELL DONE Zachary! #ppf #WeAreLPS
over 3 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
Lawton High School Wolverines Golf
In this week's edition of the Time with Hime podcast, Superintendent Hime wraps up the 2020-2021 school year with a few updates and clarifications of district information. Mr. Hime also shares a look at what's to come for the new school year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=euldoFrOgu0 #WeAreLPS #LawtonPS #Oklaed #okspra #nspra
over 3 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
Time with Hime Ep. 44
We want to share that LATS Saturday rides ARE BACK! Hours of operation are 9 am to 6 pm and FREE to LPS students grade 6-12 and staff as long as you have your current LPS ID. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nizdFK4NuFs #WeAreLPS #LawtonPS
over 3 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
LPS Family: Here's a Summer Update from Superintendent Hime. https://5il.co/gvp3. Be sure to check out our Summer FYI's webpage for weekly updates as well: https://www.lawtonps.org/o/district/page/summer-2020--6
over 4 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
LPS Family: Cheer and Dance Tryouts will take place Saturday, June 6th. Please click the link for more information. Thank you! https://www.lawtonps.org/article/254343
over 4 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
LPS Family: Here is the list of dates and times that schools have set for a curbside pick up of student belongings. Thank you! https://www.lawtonps.org/article/244382
over 4 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
LPS Family: Tomorrow's (4/30) meal pick up & deliveries will consist of 4 meals w/components for 2 days. This includes a frozen meal w/instructions. Meal can be microwaved. There will be no meal distribution Fri. (5/1) due to the LPS calendar schedule. Thank you.
over 4 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
LPS Family: Please read the following regarding Distance Learning Grading. Thank you. https://www.lawtonps.org/article/237999
almost 5 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
LPS Family: Tomorrow's (4/23) meal pick up & deliveries will consist of 4 meals w/components for 2 days. This includes a frozen meal w/instructions. Meal can be microwaved. There will be no meal distribution Fri. 4/24 due to the LPS calendar schedule. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
LPS Family: Tomorrow's (4/9) meal pick up & deliveries will consist of 6 meals w/components for 3 days. This includes 2 frozen meals w/instructions. Meals can be microwaved. There will be no meal distribution Fri. 4/10 & Mon. 4/13 due to the LPS calendar schedule. Thank you.
almost 5 years ago, Lawton Public Schools
Good morning LPS Family-Please be sure to check our Frequently Asked Questions document frequently as we continue to add and/or update information. Thank you. https://5il.co/dvxy
almost 5 years ago, Lawton Public Schools