You will take the ACT in April. This test is a requirement for graduation. In order to take the test, we need a form signed by your parents. You have been given this form in your English class. Please return them now. Even though the test is not until April, we need these forms now.
If you need another form, talk to your English teacher or come see me.
Thank you.
Lisa Cullison
Assistant Principal
Lawton High School
Save the date for our next Blood Drive! February 5th. 7:45am to 2:45 pm
Save the date for our Blood Drive! Feb. 5th 7:45-2:45pm!!
Come out to Red Lobster from 4-7 and support LHS STUCO! We are having a fundraiser tonight! HANTA Yo!
Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your ears!
The LAST day to purchase a yearbook for the 2019-2020 edition is Friday, Jan. 24th. All books must be pre-ordered. See Coach DeSilver.
Thank you to our custodians for all you do!
Thank you to the LHS Cafeteria workers for all they do.
AND THE WINNER IS.......Mrs. Santiago!!!
Holiday Spirit
Holiday fun at LHS
More doors!
Door contest
More Holiday Cheer!
Holiday decorating at LHS
Happy Holidays
Holiday Funday!
Door decorating contest!
Holiday fun!
LHS Wolverines have the HOLIDAY SPIRIT! Check out the decked halls at LHS!
Holiday Cherr!