March 12, 2020
\r\nLPS Family,\r\n
\r\nAs our district continues to work and communicate with the Oklahoma State Department of Education, Comanche County Health Department, Fort Sill, and area school districts, I wanted to send out an update before we go on Spring Break.\r\n
\r\nAlthough we do not have any confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our community, we are taking proactive measures to clean and disinfect our buildings per the Oklahoma State Health Department guidelines.\r\n
\r\nStarting Friday, March 13 while students are away, our custodial crews will begin to clean and disinfect buildings throughout the district. We are actively monitoring the situation and will remain in contact with our local and state partners. \r\n
\r\nIf the situation progresses during Spring Break, we will communicate any plans and procedures before classes are scheduled to resume on Monday, March 23 via our notification system, social media, website and local media. \r\n
\r\nTo ensure the health of all students and staff, we are urging our parents/staff to continue to follow the CDC guidance for preventative measures.\r\n
\r\nPrior to returning to school March 23, if you are showing any symptoms or have any member in your household practicing self-quarantine procedures, we ask that the students and staff in those households remain at home for the duration of quarantine. \r\n
\r\nWe have also received inquiries regarding student and staff absences as well as online curriculum.\r\n
\r\nWhen LPS resumes classes, parents need to contact the school and follow absenteeism reporting procedures. If the absences are due to quarantine, schools will work with parents and request appropriate information to get those absences waived. Staff will receive a separate email with further details.\r\n
\r\nIn regards to online curriculum, we are actively working on a solution. Your feedback is vital as we evaluate options available for distance learning. Please use the QR code or click the link to the Technology survey in this letter.\r\n
\r\nThank you for your patience as we work through this unchartered issue. We will continue to send updates as we receive them.\r\n
\r\nDr. Tom Thomas
\r\nLPS Superintendent
Technology Survey: